
“It is always worth it to stand on principle. Wrong is wrong even if it was over a penny.”
– Clarence Thomas, United States Supreme Court Justice

It’s that time again. April’s Word of the Day. If I am not careful, this will become habit – I do so enjoy it.


  1. firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values
  2. an unimpaired condition
  3. the quality or state of being complete or undivided

That last one is my favorite. Those two words – “complete” and “undivided” – sound like the makings of a good night’s sleep.

The word “integrity” gets thrown around a lot. My optimism says that most people mean it. My realism knows that some don’t. My observation tells that most want it – depending on the cost.

Now, understand – I am all about picking one’s battles wisely. If we choose to die on every hill, we stand a great chance of creating zero change because our effective life is cut way short.  But, being a person of integrity demands that there be a set of morals we hold that refuse to be compromised – regardless of the cost.

Sometimes those values get overshadowed by the on goings of our busy lives or on the road to an ultimate goal. It has happened to the best of us. But, there is no better day than today to regain control of who we are, and not who the world would like to compromise us to be.


  1. Pete Aldin says

    ‘Those two words – “complete” and “undivided” – sound like the makings of a good night’s sleep.’

    What a great observation. I can tell when I am and when I’m not living in integrity, often by the chitter-chatter in my head when I run out of things to distract it with. When that chitter-chatter is accusatory, critical etc it’s usually because I am out of integrity … and this doesn’t simply mean “I’ve been a bad boy” – it could for instance be that I’ve allowed others’ values become mine for a period of time and I really need to return to my own.

    Good piece April.

  2. Pete – Glad you liked it. And I totally relate. People often think of a misstep of integrity being a huge act of deception. But, it can be those small things. The little moments of compromise when you should not have bent.

    Great point.