Archives for July 6, 2021

Cherish the Footprints

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” – Eleanor Roosevelt (First Lady, 1884 – 1962)

I don’t mind telling you that things have been a little stressed for a while. Some factors are wonderful while others are not so great. Isn’t it nice to know we all feel that way sometimes?

At one of the peak stress moments, I received a gift in the mail with a card attached that has this week’s quote on it. The gift was wonderful, but the gem was the card. I would not be exaggerating if I told you I was instantly energized and felt newly confident. I appreciate my friend more than she knows and cherish her footprints.

So today, on this Tuesday Monday, in order to battle stress and make a great day, I encourage footprints and the acknowledgement of footprints.

Take the next five minutes – we all have five minutes – and contact two people.

  1. Be a footprint leaver. Now, I know we don’t have any idea when, where, or how we leave all our footprints. But, we all know when we’ve been good to another person.
  2. Be a footprint appreciator. You already know who this person is – you’ve been thinking about them this whole time. Tell them.

Spreading goodwill and expressing gratitude can be two of the greatest ways to overcome Tuesday Mondays – or any other day that feels like it is!